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2011 Conference Summaries

Pre & Post-Production Animation: Making the Most of the Production Chain

Rationalising and structuring production of a short, feature or series well in advance by setting in place a precise workflow or graphic bible… pre-production is an often neglected, but essential, step in the process of creating a film or a series. This conference will show just how essential it is to anticipate and make more fluid both production and post-animation.

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Studio Strategies

What strategies should studios adopt at a time of planetary competition? Copenhagen Bombay has opted for diversifying projects in a cross-media approach to reduce financial risks. 2 Minutes has focused on R&D to develop proprietary software. Coproduction openings were also discussed, and for some leadership and team spirit are essential. All these strategies are revealed...

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Feature Films: 4 Case Studies | Conférence Longs métrages : 4 études de cas - Annecy 2011 ©

Feature Films: 4 Case Studies

The directors and producers of four feature films reveal the secrets of the work that goes on behind the scenes. Some made a pilot to attract exhibitors, others worked on a multimedia business model. Some focused on creating a storyboard, videoboard, or a colour script, others based their work on live action shots.

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The Emergence of Digital Broadcasting Platforms | Conférence Gestion de production et asset management ©

The Emergence of Digital Broadcasting Platforms

At a time of hyper-broadcasting, connected TV and cloud computing, how can programme creators and producers manage the changes in both economic and narrative terms? Broadcasters tend towards a delinearised approach and producers work on narrative distribution at several levels… The revenge of content?

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VFX & Animation

How can you animate characters realistically making their expressions and movements appear alive? Creating computer generated images, integrating a real environment, using realistic or cartoony images? In this context choices in directing, storyboard and previsualisation are extremely important.

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Innovating Tools and Practices | Conférence - Chambre de métiers © E. Perdu/CITIA

Innovating Tools and Practices

Renewal of the technical and artistic approach of professionals? Real-time production management and tracking with ArtForge, realistic crowd rendering with Golaem Crowd, previsualisation software, use of a video game rendering engine, all innovative tools serving creativity and productivity in animation.

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