Digital broadcasting platforms are not just "another broadcasting medium!".
They are profoundly changing the access to programmes and challenging the proven model of relations between producers and broadcasters.
A new alternative is emerging with the possibility of exploitation outside of historical channels.
Is it time for these channels to rethink their strategy?
Is this really an opportunity for producers to diversify funding?
Wednesday 8 June 14:30 → 16:00 - Chambre de métiers Salle Mont-Blanc
Faced with the "firepower" of the majors and despite recurring financial difficulties, the European animated feature has been proving its vitality and creativeness for the past few years now.
The examples chosen use a variety of different techniques, which give the opportunity to look into the aesthetic, organisational and financial issues they had to play with.
Wednesday 8 June 09:30 → 12:30 - Chambre de métiers Salle Mont-Blanc
The conference aspires to providing a forward-looking view of tools, practices and organisational methods likely to renew technical and artistic approaches within the industry and give greater control to quality and productivity.
Presentations will include a new animation and crowd control software, preview techniques and tools for the production pipeline and a new stage in the use of a rendering engine for animated video games.
Friday 10 June 09:30 → 12:30 - Chambre de métiers Salle Mont-Blanc
Smooth running pipelines are the condition of the time/money/quality competitive ratio.
Therefore, it is critical to find a sense of homogeneity within the various stages of production, especially when this is carried out across different studios.
Speakers will explain how they go about harmonising the workflow, upstream of animation from the graphic development stage and downstream throughout pre-production for the final compositing.
Tuesday 7 June 09:30 → 12:30 - Chambre de métiers Salle Mont-Blanc
In a situation of global competition, where aesthetic, technical, organisational, economic and regulatory parameters come into play, studio strategies can differ immensely depending on the field of skill, size, access to the market, geographical location and culture.
The five selected studios will detail these diversities and explain the ways and means of their development in this complex landscape.
Tuesday 7 June 14:30 → 17:30 - Chambre de métiers Salle Mont-Blanc
Its aim is to inform about the latest digital representation techniques used by some of the most remarkable FX companies in the industry.
Techniques and talents are used for the most demanding of productions that are choice opportunities for original innovations.
Thursday 9 June 09:30 → 12:30 - Chambre de métiers Salle Mont-Blanc