A new animated adaptation of the famous manga "Ghost in the Shell": co-directed by Kazuchika Kise and Kazuya Nomura
Ghost in the Shell is a work that had a powerful influence in Japan and abroad. Shirow Masamune created the manga that became an instant reference for cyberpunk science-fiction. The setting and the story have been adapted for novels, TV series, films and video games.
Kazuchika Kise, director and character designer, is trying to put a fresh spin on the original story with this feature co-directed with Kazuya Nomura. The film sheds light on the concept of the Ghost and the birth of agent Motoko Kusanagi, the saga's heroine.
2029: the Prime Minister gets assassinated and Motoko Kusanagi's former manager is one of the collateral victims. After assembling a team with Batō, Togusa and others, Kusanagi starts an investigation.
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