Jean-François Laguionie’s Shorts

  • French version
  1. Overview
  2. Description
  3. Films

As a complement to the "The Poetic Worlds of Jean-François Laguionie" exhibition, you can catch up with the filmmaker’s biggest successes on an outdoor screen.

A whole programme devoted to Jean-François Laguionie, who is also premiering his latest feature, Louise, here at the Festival, gives the perfect opportunity to chart his career with a few of his best known short films.

From The Lady and the Cellist, Grand Prix winner at Annecy 1965, to Rowing Across the Atlantic, rewarded with the Palme d’Or at Cannes in 1978, you will be able to follow the cinematic evolution of this iconic filmmaker from the French animation scene.

You can then continue your exploration by visiting the retrospective exhibition that illustrates how he visually expresses his poetic worlds.


  • Of Stars and Men

    USA - John HUBLEY, Faith HUBLEY

  • La Demoiselle et le Violoncelliste

    France - Jean-François LAGUIONIE

  • L'arche de Noé

    France - Jean-François LAGUIONIE

  • L'acteur

    France - Jean-François LAGUIONIE