Discover the adventures of young Félicie in "Leap!" an ode to dance and to late nineteenth-century Paris.
After presenting Leap! as a Work in Progress last year where members of the film crew let us in on some of their trade secrets, the Annecy Festival invites you to see the final version of this film at an open-air screening.
Directed by Eric Summer and Eric Warin in 2016, Leap! tells the story of Félicie, a young orphan from Brittany who lives on her dreams of becoming a prima ballerina. She and her loyal friend Victor, who dreams of becoming a great inventor, manage to escape the orphanage and make it to Paris while "The City of Light" was undergoing major transitions as the Eiffel Tower and Haussmannian architecture was springing up. In order to fit in at the prestigious Opéra de Paris, Félicie must find all the perseverance she can, but thankfully she has the precious support of Victor and her new friend Odette, a cleaning lady who takes her under her wing.
Join in on our heroes’ fantastic saga and take a trip to Paris back in the day.