A documentary about self-acceptance that follows animator JoAnne Salmon's story from being a 1 in 50,000 baby born with Treacher Collins Syndrome to currently living her dreams as an animator.
Original title: Chin Up
Directed by: JoAnne SALMON
Country: United Kingdom
Year of production: 2018
Running time: 04 min 43 s
Category: Short film
Techniques used: drawing on cels, 2D computer, photos, live action
Version: Original version English subtitles
Process: Colour
Target public: Teens, Adults, Family, Young adults
Directed by: JoAnne SALMON
Script: Oliver Selby
Storyboard: JoAnne Salmon
Animation: Dale Mollay, Joanne Salmon, Joe Simpson, Sunny Clarke
Camera: Jerry Alves
Music: Tom Angell
Sound: Tom Angell
Voice: JoAnne Salmon
Other credits: Shannon Reeve