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The Working World After School: Fantasy and Reality

  1. Overview
  2. Description
  3. Speakers

We hear allsorts concerning animation professions and imagine all manner of things, but what does this industry genuinely look like?

How is a working day or film production organised? Is it true that we often finish work at midnight? If we take a break after our studies, will it be harder to find a job? Is it true that Pixar’s animators have massage chairs to sit and work from? Why 42?

If you are asking yourself these questions, join Samy Fecih, Lead Animator on Penguins of Madagascar and Sarah de Gaudemar, stop-motion Animator on Coraline, for a discussion without taboos, where they will share their experiences to help you settle into this magnificent industry without any disappointments.


  • Samy FECIH
    Samy FECIH

    Lead Animateur


    Animatrice stop-motion