Hear ye, hear ye, the time has come for laughs and the WTF2019. On the WTF isle, every day is WTF. A warm round of applause – thanks!
Form and content, these are the main ingredients of the short films in the WTF2019 programme. Just add a pinch of humour, a spurt of political criticism, a drop of dreamy tales and a snippet of gratuitous malice for a blend that’ll leave you dumbstruck. Unless perhaps you slipped into the wrong room, in which case do not call 911 because no one can help you.
No matter if the films are animated or inanimate, 2D or 3D, when you leave the WTF2019 session, you’ll feel a changed person... or else not.
Still a few doubts remaining? To get to the bottom of the matter, figure it out for yourself by attending one of the three events scheduled this year for this adult-oriented programme, offbeat in form and content, just like it says at the start of this blurb.
For all complaints, please contact your general practitioner.
"Love the difference, love WTF2019!" Charles Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du mal (Flowers of Evil, 1857)