In an alternate world called Caldopia, lives a robot called Boris, amongst other automaton beings that live day in and day out, making their ends meet. Boris was found motionless in the central district's toxic dump, with no memory of how he got there. He was discovered by Dr Bruger and his robot Binary, with whom he becomes close friends. One day, Boris discovers something by accident that will lead Boris and Binary on a quest to liberate Caldopia.
Original title: Caldopia
Directed by: Vije VIJENDRANATH
Country: South Africa
Running time: 11 min × 13 episodes
Category: TV series
Techniques used: 2D computer
Target public: Teens, Young adults, Adults
Looking for graphic designer(s), scriptwriter(s), producer(s)/co-producer(s), investor(s)
Directed by: Vije VIJENDRANATH