Join us on a path to discovery in the deep forests of prehistoric Africa, as Joko and Dide, two young outcasts, living far from life in society, are thrust into a series of awkward but fortunate events. It shows how adventure and discovery can nurture good relationships between friends and family, as Joko and Dide overcome challenges they become closer, meet new friends, and discover their history and lineage.
Original title: Joko & Dide
Directed by: Mbuotidem JOHNSON, Ukpeme UWAKWE
Country: Nigeria
Running time: 26 min
Category: TV specials
Techniques used: 2D computer
Target public: Kids, Teens, Family
Looking for producer(s)/co-producer(s), broadcaster(s), distributor(s), investor(s)
Directed by: Mbuotidem JOHNSON, Ukpeme UWAKWE