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Mais où est donc Ornicar

Mais où est donc Ornicar
Where's Ornicar

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

In a world devoid of its inhabitants, one person is left still trying to live like before.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: Mais où est donc Ornicar

    Directed by: Oscar MASO Y GUELL RIVET

    Country: France

    Year of production: 2022

    Running time: 05 min 46 s

  • Technique

    Category: Graduation short film

    Techniques used: 2D computer

    Version: Without dialogue or commentary

    Process: Colour

    Target public: Teens, Adults, Young adults

  • Credits

    Directed by: Oscar MASO Y GUELL RIVET

    Production: LYCÉE RENÉ-DESCARTES, Karine PAOLI

    Music: Théo Cascio

    Sound: Laurent Saussol, Thibault Cohade