In a sleepy town under a moonless sky, a character with enormous arms is walking. Preceded by his shadow, he makes his way to an arena in order to achieve a ritual.
Original title: L'homme aux bras ballants
Directed by: Laurent GORGIARD
Country: France
Year of production: 1997
Running time: 03 min 54 s
Techniques used: puppets
Directed by: Laurent GORGIARD
Production: LAZENNEC BRETAGNE, Jean-François LE CORRE
Distribution: VIVEMENT LUNDI !, Jean-François LE CORRE
Based on: Gilles Gozzer
Script: Laurent Gorgiard
Sets: Jean-Marc Ogier
Animation: Jean-Marc Ogier
Camera: Olivier Gillon
Music: Yann Tiersen
Sound: Patrick Le Goff
Editing: Anne Rennesson