This black comedy thriller is set in the golden age of cinema. Three ape siblings – one blind, one deaf and the other mute – who run a detective agency in Hypnoville, a movie capital of the world, stumble upon a missing actor case which leads them to uncover a sinister conspiracy.
Original title: No Evil
Directed by: Michael (dit Mysh) ROZANOV, Oren MASHKOVSKI, Jean-Philippe VINE
Country: Israel
Techniques used: 3D computer
Directed by: Michael (dit Mysh) ROZANOV, Oren MASHKOVSKI, Jean-Philippe VINE
Production: Michael (dit Mysh) ROZANOV, Oren MASHKOVSKI, Jean-Philippe VINE
Script writer: Michael (dit Mysh) ROZANOV, Oren MASHKOVSKI, Jean-Philippe VINE
Graphic designer: Michael (dit Mysh) ROZANOV, Oren MASHKOVSKI, Jean-Philippe VINE