One of the most difficult challenges to overcome is surely: how do you compete with low labour cost countries and territories that are implementing ever more attractive tax incentives?
What might be the best ways of optimising quality/productivity?
The example of several European studios will attempt to provide some answers.
Tuesday 8 June 14:30 → 17:30 - Chambre de métiers Salle Mont-Blanc
It looks like 3D TV is going to come into our lives much earlier than expected.
The technology is ready or nearly so and broadcasters are advertising more and more, promising 3D programmes for the coming months.
The animation sector is particularly affected by this development and must be prepared.
The conference will try to clarify the broadcasters' agenda and review the relative creative, writing, directing, production and cost challenges.
Tuesday 8 June 09:30 → 12:30 - Chambre de métiers Salle Mont-Blanc
An analysis of four examples of features with different ambitions, budgets and organisation models.
Thursday 10 June 09:30 → 12:30 - Chambre de métiers Salle Mont-Blanc
Relight: interactive rendering and relighting
The software helps to improve productivity in creating a direct visual link and interactive feedback with the rendering motor itself.
Stylised animation: virtual rendering tools without the use of 3D models
An original approach to producing complex renderings such as aerographs, watercolours, pastels, gouaches, pencil effects...
Virtual cinematography and motion capture techniques such as those seen in Avatar or Tintin and possible future developments.
Friday 11 June 09:30 → 12:30 - Chambre de métiers Salle Mont-Blanc
Wednesday 8 June 14:30 → 16:00 - Impérial Palace Verdi
The concept of the brand is becoming an important issue in production strategy and distribution logic.
Is this development likely to substantially change the relationship with the piece of work or even the piece itself.
Wednesday 9 June 14:30 → 16:30 - Impérial Palace Verdi
Digital visual effects in feature films are a benchmark of the state of the art and a particularly good area for exchanging know-how and skills in CG effects and animation.
The conference will be looking at the making of some of the most exceptional.
Wednesday 9 June 09:30 → 12:30 - Chambre de métiers Salle Mont-Blanc