When the children try to exchange lunches during their field trip, they discover that not everyone eats the same things. A lesson on the different eating habits of diverse cultures.
Original title: In i Yana "Zapretnaya yeda"
Directed by: Oleg UZHINOV
Country: Russia
Year of production: 2015
Running time: 11 min
Category: TV serie
Techniques used: cut-outs, 2D computer
Version: Version originale russe sous-titrée français
Process: Colour
Target public: Kids
Directed by: Oleg UZHINOV
Artistic direction: Anton Dyakov
Script: Vladimir Sakhnovsky
Graphics: Anton Dyakov
Animation: Stas Dobry, Andrey Shishkin, Lena Filippik, Yegor Belsky, Leonid Shmelkov, Robert Labidas, Nina Volova
Music: Alexei Gallyamov
Sound: Artem Fadeev
Editing: Oleg Uzhinov
Voice: Pavel Lyubimtsev, Elena Shulman, Julia Mishina, Vladimir Sakhnovsky