Oscar, an orphan boy who lives alone in an abandoned mansion, discovers an old music box. This triggers a series of events that will eventually lead him to the family graveyard where secrets wait to be unearthed.
Original title: Oscar (Animation du Monde)
Directed by: Polyxeny KATSARI, Matina FYKARI
Country: Greece
Running time: 10 min
Category: Short film
Techniques used: drawing on cels, puppets, 2D computer
Target public: Teens, Adults, Young adults
Looking for compositor(s), broadcaster(s), distributor(s), producer(s)/co-producer(s)
Directed by: Polyxeny KATSARI, Matina FYKARI
Script writer: Matina FYKARI, Polyxeny KATSARI
Graphic designer: Polyxeny KATSARI, Matina FYKARI