A session about the Dynamics of Greek Animation, the Supporting Feature Animation Films & Financing Schemes for Animation, and Interviews about Greek Animation.
Takis Kyriakoulakos, Vice-President of ASIFA Hellas and Coordinator of the Hellenic Mission at Annecy 2021, gives an overview of the Greek contributions to the celebrations of 75 years of Greek Animation, 60 years of the ASIFA , and 60 years of the Annecy Festival , including a premiere at the Animation du Monde Mifa Pitches, Meet the... Composers, and Meet the... Festival Programmers events at Annecy 2021.
Vassilis C. Karamitsanis, President of ASIFA Hellas and President of Animasyros Festival, presents the new ecosystem in Greece, built to support international cooperation, and explains the dynamics of this ecosystem for co-productions and the integration of creative talent into international markets, including young animation directors full of creative potential, representing the future of Greek Animation.
Athena Kalkopoulou, Head of Hellas Film at the Greek Film Center, presents the new regulations for supporting and promoting feature animation films in Greece, including international co-productions. Two Greek animation feature films in early development and two others in late development are presented at Annecy 2021.
Sofia Beretanou, representing EKOME at Annecy 2021, describes the mechanisms of cash rebate and tax rebate schemes for financing animation in Greece, especially international co-productions.
Educators: highlighting significant moments from the History of Animation Education such as the first Master's in Animation (2D-3D) introduced by Professor Eleni Mouri from the University of West Attica, or the revelation of sculptor Pheidias as a fine analyst of the movement represented in the Parthenon Frieze, research undertaken by the Professor-Researcher Georges Sifianos (ENSAD).
Festival Programmers, illustrating the diversity of approaches of Greek animation promoters, and presenting the GAFU (Greek Animation Festivals United) initiative, supported by ASIFA Hellas.
Masters of Animation, highlighting significant moments from the History of Animation across 75 years (1945-2020), presenting respected figures of Greek Animation, inspiring the New Generation of Animators in Greece.
Young Greek Animation Directors, illustrating the creative power of the young generation. Promising Directors such as Effie Pappa, Irini Viannelli, Irida Zhonga, Thomas Kunstler, and Fokion Xenos, are representing the new wave of stop-motion animation in Greece.
Session in English