Dédicace de Chicken Run 2.


Every year, CITIA endeavors to make the Festival even more accessible. For the 2025 edition, the establishment is working hard on an inclusive approach for people with disabilities.

An Official Commitment

At the end of 2019, CITIA signed a "Charte H+ Culture", joining the project launched by the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Its aim is to showcase all the wonderful initiatives brought in favour of people with disabilities, over and above the baseline imposed by the law, and to introduce "handi-care, handi-welcome and handi-inclusive".

Practical Information

Download our PDF 2024 Accessibility Guide. This document lays out all the details of our progressive improvement plans. Whether you have a mobility, visual or auditive disability, it has been designed to enable you to better prepare your attendance at the Festival.

Making animation accessible

The Festival is committed to ensuring that animation films are accessible to all audiences by using various specially adapted measures.

For instance, a number of screenings are subtitled for the deaf and hard of hearing.

More info coming soon


To have more information and to better organise your trip, we invite you to contact:

  • Annecy Festival, Hospitality Department
    Clara Mahieu, Head of Hospitality
    +33 (0)4 50 10 09 00
  • Activhandi
    Activhandi aim to develop access for people with disabilities and their carers to leisure and culture.
    Festival partners, they are available to discuss with you and to give advice with their extensive knowledge of the event and the area.
    Florian Vallet
    +33 (0)6 88 42 24 35


Who are supporting us:

Logo Région Aura H+
Logo ActivHandi