Vœux 2025

Happy New Year 2025!


La Cité internationale du cinéma d'animation is getting ready... let's dream a little ✨

Prévisualisation de la Cité internationale du cinéma d'animation au Haras d'Annecy

Prévisualisation de la Cité internationale du cinéma d'animation au Haras d'Annecy par DDA Devaux & Devaux Architectes

Preview of the Cité internationale du cinéma d'animation by DDA Devaux & Devaux Architectes


On the road to 2025! 

The entire CITIA and Annecy Festival team would like to wish you all the best for 2025, a year that promises to be rich in discoveries and exciting encounters, particularly from June 8 to 14 for the next edition of the Festival and Market (celebrating its 40th anniversary), but also with an emblematic project...

Indeed, the future Cité internationale du cinéma d'animation is in the final stages of construction and preparing for its opening in 2026.

As part of our collaboration, the 3rd-year students from the École des nouvelles images (ENSI) designed an imaginary version of this future place dedicated to the animated image and unique in the world, which greatly inspired them.

Can't wait to find out? 👇 

View all the greeting cards

A new graphic identity

These greetings are also an opportunity to unveil the official logo of the Cité Internationale du cinéma d'animation, created by our teams.

An ode to cinema, to a welcoming City open to all, to images and movement, to local and international influence: a graphic form with a geometry faithful to the architecture of the Haras d'Annecy, heritage and symbolic place of the city, which will welcome the Cité in just over a year's time.


Agenda: Accreditation for the Festival and Mifa 2025 will open at the end of January!